Don't trust Tripadvisor, trust me ;-)


Visiting a new town is usually one of the best things in life. But being a tourist can also be a huge obstacle when it comes to finding a decent or even a great place to have a meal or a drink.


Barcelona in general has a great culture for eating out. While countless locally-loved taverns & restaurants still remain, new places are springing up every day.

The metropolitan area of Barcelona is not only spoiled with great creativity from chefs from all over the planet but also counts with a rich coastline, local farming & suppliers from all over Spain to harvest high quality ingredients. The result can give you an authentic taste of the famous mediterranean Spanish cuisine.


As I have been a vegetarian for pretty much most of my life, the general focus on this blog lies on veggie-friendly establishments. 

For me 'veggie-friendly' means that kind of places where I can find more than only one vegetarian dish - usually sadly squeezed into the lower part of a meat dominated menu card - but does also NOT exclude meat-serving venues.


Furthermore, due to my maritime roots on the German coast of the Baltic Sea, you can also find a selection of fish and seafood places in this blog.

But for recommendations on particular Spanish meat dishes, straight edge vegan food or with any other meal restriction please get in touch, I will be happy to find you a great recommendation from my (carnivorous) friends.


The best about Barcelona is that the city’s diverse food scene has something for everyone. And I am happy to help you to find some of the coolest places to eat & drink in town!



From Gràcia to Poblenou, from fancy to take-away, I tried to have it all covered.



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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Angeline Deschamps (Monday, 09 August 2021 12:17)

    Hi Kristin !

    We love your blog and also your vision about life in BCN, the content you put and we think you have the same values as us: enjoying simple life things like food but at the same time caring of our environment.

    Did you know that an average European annually generates 172 kg per year ?

    We love food, but the sad thing is that the takeaway industry has exploded during the covid crisis, and so did the single-use plastic use...Our pretty city is now full of plastic and we are on our way to change this !!!
    Bûmerang is the 1st startup in Barcelona that proposes a reusable packaging system. More info here

    Today we have more than 70 restaurants in Barcelona that are fighting with us, but we need help & support from people living in BCN to make people know more about this system and go little by little towards a better world  .

    That's why I want to ask you if you would like to make a blog post about our project on your website, and explain how people can change their habits by using the reusable bowls. We are mostly known by Spanish and Catalan people, but would be awesome to spread the word to the expat community which is pretty big out here..! You could become our ambassadors for the expat community, or if you like the project and have other ideas, feel free to share ;)

    Send me your mail and I will send you attached more info about the project !!

    Let me know if you're interested, it would be great! (and I have more pictures if you need)

    Thank you very much and have a great day !
    Kind regards,


  • #2

    Natallia (Tuesday, 24 August 2021 16:25)

    ¡Hola Kristin!

    Hopefully, you speak Spanish, if not let me know please)

    Soy Natallia, la administrativa de BakerBand, nueva pastelería creativa que se dedica a la producción de pasteles deliciosos y jugosos en Barcelona.

    Nuestros productos se distinguen por un excelente y equilibrado sabor, ingredientes naturales, recetas originales y una gran cantidad de relleno.
    La semana que viene estará operativa nuestra página web y pondremos en marcha las ventas.

    Sabemos que aprecias la comida de calidad, por eso nos encantaría ofrecerte la colaboración y degustar nuestras deliciosas tartas.

    ¿Podrías indicarnos las condiciones y el precio de la publicidad con degustación en tu blog (en historias y en post)?

    Te llevaremos nuestra tarta a cualquier lugar de Barcelona y cuando más te convenga.

    Muchas gracias!
    Un saludo,
    BakerBand - La música del sabor

  • #3 (Wednesday, 24 August 2022 15:00)


    T’agradaria acompanyar-nos en la millor experiència eno-gastronòmica de l’any? Que et semblaria reunir-te amb nosaltres i altres comunicadors gastronòmics en un espai natural vivint una experiència del tot empordanesa?

    Hem fet un seguiment del teu perfil i creiem que encaixes totalment en el context de la nostra Festa de la Verema ’22.

    Et proposem que vinguis el proper dia 4 de setembre a gaudir d’una visita a les vinyes per collir raïm, trepitjar-lo, tastar el most i delectar-te amb un brunch empordanès en el nostre celler. Si tens cap mena d’interès en que ens coneixem, només ens has de contestar aquest missatge i ens posarem d’acord amb tu per posar-ho en marxa!